Alex McKinley

1179 days ago

Remote Monitored Systems - is this tweet low grade ramping or outright market abuse

Though he does not declare so in the tweet below, he has elsewhere: penny share huckster and known associate of Zak Mir, Mr Alex McKinley is a shareholder in joke company Remote Monitored Systems (RMS). You know, the maker of masks to stop covid spread that are so good its site turned into a covid hot spot. Yes, that fine enterprise.


1189 days ago

Supply@Me Capital Part 2 - an auditor warns

Of course you do not have to listen to me or, in this case to an industry veteran. Why not just listen to Zak Mir, Alex McKinley and the other “experts” and fill your boots with this con when its shares resume trading. On that note, Looker published its delayed accounts today and its shares were unsuspended at 9.35 AM. I wonder why the FCA is not unsuspending Supply@ME Capital’s (SYME) shares yet? Anhow back to the expert auditor who notes:


1196 days ago

Ridgecrest Ramp – Sordid LSE Sharetalk & Peterhouse Corporate Finance an axis of evil?

I guess with shares in Supply@ME Capital (SYME) now suspended, the paid for penny share ramper Alex McKinley of LSE Sharetalk, employer of the Sith Lord Zak Mir, needs to find other shite to promote with ludicrous targets plucked from thin air. I flagged up one zero sales entity enjoying full on ABM pumping here, now have a butcher’s at Ridgecrest (RDGC) which this loathsome sewer dweller is pumping today.
